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Increase Milk Production in Breastfeeding: 3 Steps to a Better Feeding Experience

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience for both mother and baby, but it can be challenging to make enough milk. This article provides tips on how to increase milk production while breastfeeding, including eating healthily and drinking enough water. Using these steps can help lactating mothers produce more milk and receive the nutritional benefits it offers their babies. 

Eating Healthy To Increase Milk Production

Breastfeeding provides numerous health benefits for both mother and child. One of the most important is that breastfeeding increases a woman’s milk production. Breastmilk is beneficial for both the infant and the mother, providing essential nutrients and antibodies that are beneficial for both.

In order to increase milk production, it is important to eat a healthy diet. Eating foods that are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin D can help boost milk production. Additionally, avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also help increase milk production.

Drinking Enough Water To Increase Milk Production

Drinking enough water to increase milk production is one way to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Drinking water can help flush toxins from the body, which can in turn help improve fertility. Additionally, drinking plenty of water throughout the day can also help boost milk production. Some women even report that they have increased milk production by as much as 300 percent after starting to drink more water.

Balancing Breastfeeding To Increase Milk Production

Mothers who are breastfeeding should also make efforts to increase their milk production in order to ensure their infants are receiving the best possible feed. According to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding can provide infants with all the nutrients they need and make them less likely to develop some types of cancer. 

Additionally, it has been shown that mothers who breastfeed have a decreased risk of developing post-partum depression. While breastfeeding is certainly beneficial, mothers should not sacrifice other activities in order to do it exclusively.

There are a few ways that mothers can increase their milk production. One is by increasing their caloric intake. Mothers who consume more calories will produce more milk. Another way is by pumping after every feeding. Pumping increases the levels of prolactin in mothers’ blood, which will help increase milk production. Some women find that they produce more milk if they pump for an extended period of time (six or twelve hours). It is important for mothers to experiment and find what works best for them since there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to increasing milk production.


Breastfeeding can provide significant benefits for both mother and child. By following these tips, lactating mothers can increase their milk production, which will support their babies’ growth and development.

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